Monday, November 10, 2008


I really am not the greatest at this Blog stuff! I will just give you an overview of what is been going on! I wanted to mention (But not cause any drama, that is why i waited so long to tell) I met My bbiological Father back in may when I went to arizona for a couple days with my best bud Judd! Him and I were companions on our mission! So I went with him to his home coming talk! After spending the weekend at his family's house in Showlow arizona we stayed for a day in Phoenix Arizona. That is were we found my Father in the mater of a couple hours!! It was very amazing. I will post some pictures! So I think that is pretty neat news for me! I then went to washington to work for the summer with my buddy Judd! I visited mom and Dad and the kids almost every other weekend. It was 3.5 hours one way! It was so worth it though. I always loved to watch my Mom's face light up when she saw me! It gave me a huge feeling of love from her! I then went back to utah after the summer job! I was there for a couple months then after not being able to find a solid job I became very discouraged. I talked with my bishop alot on what I should do. I prayed for a couple weeks about moving to Texas where two of my sisters live! I consider giving that a try! I felt the Lord giving me an answer to go there was a Yes! I discussed it with my bishop and he thought that was a great idea! So i went to try it out and in the first week of my visit I found a couple jobs! So i am now working and living in Texas! I love it. I love living with my youngest sister Alysha! We have such a blast! We have so much in common! Well That brings you up to date in a nut shell! I love everyone hope all is well.


Brent said...

Dude, that is amazing stuff! Thanks for telling us about it. Personally, I'd love to hear more about how you found your dad and what it was like seeing him. If you get a chance to update some more, tell us all about it!

I'm excited for you, cuz. Let us know what you're doing for work and stuff, all right? Love ya!


AuntieM said...

Mike, On the Family blog your address is in Texas. In this update you are in Utah. Where are you really? So happy to know that yor Dad is available to you and that you were able to visit with him. Hugs and congrats on the new jobs.

Aim said...

Hey mike! its about time you updated this thing! thats amazing news that you got to meet your dad. so what is it that you are doing in tx? do you and your sister room together or do you have a place of your own? its all very good and exciting news. Hope the rest is going well for you. love you lots!

love amie (and matt, jake and sam)

Jamie said...

Good for you, Michael. I hope things go well for you there. XO

michaeledrews said...

Thanks so much Brent, Aunt M, Amie Post and family, and Jamie for your sweet support and love and kindness! I love you all very much and truly appreciate your wonderful comments! Love always, Michael